插图画家兼3D艺术家费尔南多·阿奎莱拉(Fernando Aguilera)从不厌倦探索赋予人物生命的新工具和新方法。无论是对于您的专业任务还是您的个人项目,始终尝试优化资源以获得完美的结果。
Fernando Aguilera, illustrator and 3D artist never tires of exploring new tools and ways of giving life to his characters. Both for your professional assignments and your personal projects, always try to optimize resources to obtain impeccable results.

在本课程中,您将了解角色的概念化和建模过程,学习一些技巧,以减少渲染时间和建模,使用Maya 2017的新工具,超越传统的工作流程方案。
In this course you will discover what is your process of conceptualization and modeling of characters, learning several tricks to reduce render times and modeling, using the new tools of Maya 2017, beyond the conventional scheme of the work process.

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