Topogun是一个独立的重新拓补,和贴图烘培应用。在重新拓扑的功能是Topogun 将帮助您修改和/或重新创建你的数字化三维模型的边缘流。
TopoGun is a stand-alone resurfacing, and maps baking application. The resurfacing functions in TopoGun will help you modify and/or recreate the edgeflow of your digital 3D models. The maps baking functions, will help you bake various types of texture maps from your high resolution 3D models and then allow you to apply them to your newly created optimized meshes. These texture maps contain information that will help you recover the appearance and features of the original high resolution mesh.
- 安装topogun_3_27840.msi
- 拷贝TopoGun.exe到安装目录替换
- 拷贝license.json到 C:\用户\你的用户名\AppData\Roaming\TopoGun3